Clemens Beck is a PhD candidate in the field of Digital History. After the completion of his studies in Medieval History at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, he spent several years doing research at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and at the Chair for Artificial Intelligence in Jena. Since 2022, he has been a staff member at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. In addition to his PhD, he is an editor of the Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR).
Research interests:
- Digital Humanities (especially Historical Network Analysis and Text Mining).
- Digital 3D reconstructions and 3D digitization of cultural heritage
- Prosopography of religious elites of the late Middle Ages
- Imperial and constitutional history in the High Middle Ages
05/2021 Research Assistant at the Junior Professorship Digital Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena:
- Project coordinator in the research project "DFG 3D-Viewer"
- Project coordinator in the research project "Jena 4D"
01/2020 - 02/2022 Researcher at the Institute of Computer Science at Friedrich Schiller University working on the research project "CORE-H: a digital research environment for the humanities. Requirements analysis and first prototypical realization using the example of research on southwestern and central German humanism'"
06/2019 - 12/2019 Research assistant at the Goethe and Schiller Archive of the Klassik-Stiftung Weimar, collaboration on the project "PROPYLÄEN. Research Platform on Goethe's Biographica. Correspondence, diaries, encounters and conversations. Chronology. Sources. Research"
2017 lecturer at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, University of Erfurt and Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2015 - 2018 PhD scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation and the German National Academic Foundation
2015 PhD student at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, working title "The Archbishops of Cologne and the Empire - Network Analysis of Relations with Frederick I Barbarossa and Henry VI"
2012 - 2014 Master's degree in interdisciplinary medieval studies at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
2009 - 2012 Bachelor studies in History and Economics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
PhD project
The Archbishops of Cologne and the Empire - Network Analysis of Relations with Frederick I Barbarossa and Henry VI.
The planned dissertation examines the relations between the Cologne archbishops Philipp von Heinsberg, Bruno von Berg as well as Adolf von Altena and the Hohenstaufen emperors after the fall of Heinrich des Löwen until the open outbreak of hostilities in the Hohenstaufen-Welfish throne dispute in 1198. The events on the Lower Rhine during this period are very complex, for which reason research places them in an "anti-Staufer tradition" of the Cologne archbishops.
In contradiction to older research, it is to be shown that this is a "master narrative" of research. With the help of historical network analysis, it will be demonstrated that the archbishops of Cologne were among the most important actors in the complex network of the empire. Through this network, various external factors influenced the archbishops, leading to a temporary front against the Staufer. At the same time, this temporary antagonism was repeatedly resolved through close cooperation between the actors.
Special attention is given to the shaping of consensual rule during this period, taking the decline of princely court visitors into account. The dissertation thus contributes to the imperial and constitutional history of the late 12th century.
You can find out more here de.
Teaching and seminars
Taught academic courses (selection):
- Introduction to Digital History
- Historical Network Analysis
- High Medieval Imperial and Constitutional History
- Thuringian Regional History
- Church History of the Late Middle Ages
Clemens Beck/Marten Düring/Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Christian Rollinger/Martin Stark (Hrsg.): Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (2022).Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Christian Knüpfer/Christian Oertel/Clemens Beck (Hrsg.): Das Frontend als ,Flaschenhals‘? Mediävistische Ressourcen im World Wide Web und ihre digitalen Nutzungspotentiale für Historiker“ (= Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften/Sonderbände, 5). (Submitted)
Clemens Beck/Marten Düring/Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Christian Rollinger/Martin Stark (Hrsg.): Journal of Historical Network Research 6 (2021).
Clemens Beck: Zwischen Erleichterung oder Ernüchterung? Eine Nutzerperspektive auf die die Regesta Imperii Online als Grundlage netzwerkanalytischer Arbeiten. In: Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Christian Knüpfer/Christian Oertel/Clemens Beck (Hrsg.): Das Frontend als ,Flaschenhals‘? Mediävistische Ressourcen im World Wide Web und ihre digitalen Nutzungspotentiale für Historiker“ (= Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften/Sonderbände, 5). (Submitted)
Clemens Beck/Jan Engelhardt: Werkzeuge und Ressourcen für die digitale Geschichtsforschung. Ergebnisse einer Literaturrecherche und einer aktuellen Umfrage. In: Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Christian Knüpfer/Christian Oertel/Clemens Beck (Hrsg.): Das Frontend als ,Flaschenhals‘? Mediävistische Ressourcen im World Wide Web und ihre digitalen Nutzungspotentiale für Historiker“ (= Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften/Sonderbände, 5). (Submitted)
Clemens Beck/Christian Knüpfer: A new Rule-Based Approach for Generating Networks. Proof-of-Concept Social Network Analysis of the German Nobility in the Second Half oft he 12th Century. In: Journal of Historical Network Research 10 (2024). (Submitted)
Igor Bajena/Daniel Dworak/Piotr Kuroczyński /Sebastian Meyer/ Clemens Beck/Sander Münster: "DFG 3D-Viewer as an infrastructure for digital 3D reconstruction. Practical use cases." In: CHNT Editorial board. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, held in Vienna and online, 10-12 November 2022. Heidelberg 2024. (In Review)
Clemens Beck: Zwischen kaiserlichem Plan und regionalen Interessen. Die Lütticher Bischofswahl von 1167. In: Der Bischof im mittelalterlichen Reich. Aktuelle Forschungsansätze und Perspektiven (= Studien zur Germania Sacra. Neue Folge). (In Print)
Igor Bajena/Clemens Beck: 3D Infrastructure for Digital Reconstruction: What is DFG 3D-Viewer? In: Anke Naujokat/ Sophie Helas (Hrsg.): Build on data = Auf Daten bauen. Forschungsdaten in der historischen Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege. Tagungsband zur Community-Tagung des DFG-Projekts baureka.online am 4. und 5. Mai 2023 an der Technischen Universität Berlin, S. 94 - 99. DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2024-04230External link
Sander Münster/ Ferdinand Maiwald/ Jonas Bruschke/Cindy Kröber/, Ying Sun/Daniel Dworak/Dávid Komorowicz/Iqra Muni/Clemens Beck/Dora Luise Münster: A Digital 4D Information System on the World Scale: Research Challenges, Approaches, and Preliminary Results. In: Applied Sciences 14/5 (2024), S.1992. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app14051992External link
Sander Münster/Ferdinand Maiwald/Isabella di Lenardo/ Juha Henriksson/Antoine Isaac/Manuela Milica Graf/Clemens Beck/Johan Oomen: Artificial Intelligence for Digital Heritage Innovation. In: Encyclopedia (online: https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/55488External link).
Sander Münster/Ferdinand Maiwald/Isabella di Lenardo/ Juha Henriksson/Antoine Isaac/Manuela Milica Graf/Clemens Beck/Johan Oomen: Artificial Intelligence for Digital Heritage Innovation: Setting up a R&D Agenda for Europe. In: Heritage 7 (2024), S. 794 - 816. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage7020038External link
Ferdinand Maiwald/David Komorowicz/Iqra Munir/Clemens Beck/Sander Münster: Semi-automatic Generation of Historical Urban 3D Models at a Larger Scale Using Structure-from-Motion, Neural Rendering and Historical Maps. In: Sander Münster/Aaron Pattee/Cindy Kröber/Florian Niebling (Hrsg.): Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. UHDL 2023 (= Communications in Computer and Information Science,1853). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38871-2_7External link
Clemens Beckstein/Robert Gramsch-Stehfest/Jan Engelhardt/Christian Knüpfer/Oskar Jauch: Digitale Prosopographie. Automatisierte Auswertung und Netzwerkanalyse eines Quellenkorpus zur Geschichte gelehrter deutscher Eliten des 15. Jahrhunderts. In: Karoline Dominika Döring/Stefan Haar/Mareike König/Jörg Wettlaufer(Hrsg.): Digital History. Konzepte. Methoden und Kritiken digitaler Geschichtswissenschaften (= Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, 6). Oldenbourg 2022, S. 151 – 170. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110757101External link
Clemens Beck/Markus Krumm et al.: Ordnung ins Chaos. Digitale Netzwerkanalyse am Beispiel von Galberts von Brügge De multro, traditione, et occisione gloriosi Karoli, comitis Flandriarum Galberts von Brügge. In: Mittelalter. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte 2 (2019), S. 276 – 314.
Clemens Beck: Auf kaiserlichen Befehl? Die politischen Hintergründe der Enthauptung des Grafen Ernst II. von Tonna-Gleichen durch den Landgrafen Ludwig II. von Thüringen. In: Zeitschrift für Thüringische Landesgeschichte 71 (2018), S. 41 – 59.