Digital Humanities Certificate Program
- Program start in fall 2021 - seminars already completed are creditable -
The Digital Humanities certificate program is designed to provide advanced students in the humanities with an application-oriented parallel qualification. This includes basic informatics competencies as well as project-related applications of Digital Humanities:
Basic informatics competencies
- Knowledge of basic concepts and applications of programming
- Knowledge of types, functions and applications of databases
- Knowledge of concepts, procedures and methods of computer modeling and software engineering
- Knowledge of concepts and functionalities of web technologies
Applications of the Digital Humanities
- Knowledge of the epistemic location and application fields of the Digital Humanities,
- Acquisition of competencies to independently plan, implement and evaluate the digital treatment of topics in the humanities and cultural studies,
- Acquisition of practice-relevant knowledge for the conception and the application of third-party funded projects in the Digital Humanities.
The degree in the Digital Humanities certificate program qualifies students, when combined with a suitable master's or doctoral program, for the application of diverse and complex tasks either in the field of digital humanities as well as in collection, research, and outreach contexts after a corresponding period of familiarization in professional practice.
Scope: 30 ECTS credit points
Duration of study: 2 semesters
Summer Semester 2024
DH 2: Methods of Digital HumanitiesColloquium: Research Colloquium: Methods of Digital Humanities
Lecturer: Prof. Dr Sander Münster de
Friday, 12 - 14 h I Hybrid (online and DH meeting room)
Examination form: Lecture & Exposé
Max participants: 20
Registration (Friedolin)External link
Short description:
The digital humanities are a young but already very broad field at the interface between the humanities and computer science, which involves much more than the digitisation of humanities data. For example, methods from AI and language technology are used in linguistics, literature and history to model humanities issues based on texts. However, methods from image processing or geoinformatics are also used in various fields of application, for example in history and the arts. The colloquium is designed as a "ring seminar" in which, after a short introduction, a research topic from the DH is discussed each week, so that the participants get an overview of the DH as a field of research and of course also learn about the practical approaches and methodological approaches used by computer scientists and humanities scholars in the DH and, above all, how they work together. The colloquium has no prerequisites and is explicitly aimed at both computer scientists and humanities scholars from various disciplines. The research-orientated colloquium is aimed at advanced students and doctoral candidates who
- want to get to know the range of the DH
- present their Digital Humanities fields of research and work and receive feedback on them
- want to get an idea of practical fields of application
- want to develop ideas for project and graduate work
- want to exchange ideas with other Digital Humanists.
The colloquium will be supervised by the Digital Humanities professors - in addition to contributions by the colloquium participants, guest lectures by domain experts are planned.
In addition, two optional sessions are planned with assistance for the practical preparation of research exposés. Proof will be provided in the form of a presentation.
The seminar can be credited as part of the Digital Humanities certificate in the DH 2 Methods of Digital Humanities module. The seminar can be credited as an ASQ module (5 ECTS credits).
DH 3: Practice of Digital HumanitiesSeminar: Generative AI for humanities scholars
Tuesday, 4 - 6 pm I Online
Lecturer: Dr Katrin Fritsche de
Exam form: Written
Max participants: 20
Registration (Friedolin)External link
Short Description:
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI for short) enables the automated creation of content and data, be it in the form of images, text or music, that is original and of human-like quality.
This seminar takes place in the form of a self-directed virtual learning course and offers an introduction to the topic of Generative AI, shows examples of use and explanations of AI tools and models and how these can be used for your own projects. The course is divided into a theoretical learning module and three practical microlearning components dedicated to the areas of music, text and image in connection with generative AI. These learning modules can all be completed individually and can be focussed on different areas.
Participants do not need any prior knowledge in the field of machine learning or programming, but there is an option to work with code examples that can be reused.
Optional consultation hours: For additional support and clarification of questions, optional synchronous consultation hours are available if required, in which questions and/or problems with the implementation can be clarified.
The seminar can be credited as part of the Digital Humanities certificate in the DH Practice module. The seminar can be credited as an ASQ module. In order to receive 5 ECTS credits, an ungraded final assessment must be completed.
Prerequisite for the recognition of the achievement: The final achievement can be submitted in two formats. Portfolio: Presentation of the use of one or more of the tools presented in the context of a humanities subject, e.g. own research, own project, ... . The portfolio itself can be submitted in the form of presentation slides, short videos with explanations or a textual essay describing the use of the technology for a specific purpose (other innovative formats are also possible after prior brief consultation)
Exposé: Description of the potential application of one or more of the technologies for a specific purpose (e.g. own research, project, ...) as well as critical reflection and evaluation of the potential feasibility of this in the chosen context.
This course provides the opportunity to develop an understanding of generative AI and to acquire practical skills that are directly applicable to humanities research and practice.
DH 4: Digital Humanities Project DevelopmentSeminar: Digital Humanities Project Development
Lecturer: Clemens Beck de
Friday, 10 am - 12 pm I Presence
Type of examination: Written
Max participants: 20
Registration (Friedolin)External link
Short description:
How can digital projects be successfully planned, financed and implemented in memory institutions and humanities research? With the involvement of practical experts, the seminar provides a basic toolkit and gives participants the opportunity to try it out on a project example. The seminar participants will thus acquire practical professional skills that will enable them to independently coordinate digital projects in their future professional or research activities. This includes, for example, the development of project ideas, time and financial planning, project management, applying for funding for implementation as well as communication and external presentation.
- Development and review of project ideas
- Project time and financial planning
- Project management
- Funding opportunities and acquisition of third-party funding
- Presentation and project communication
The course is aimed at students from all disciplines. No special prerequisites are necessary. The seminar can be credited as part of the Digital Humanities certificate in the DH Practice module. The seminar can be credited as a module of the ASQ (5 ECTS credits).
Students who wish to receive credit for the course must prepare an exposé for a research project of their own choice (at least 2 pages).
Winter semester 2020/21
Research Colloquium: Current Methods in the Digital Humanities
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sina Zarrieß, apl. Prof. Dr. Robert Gramsch-Stehfest
Fri 12 - 2 pm | OnlineDigital Humanities is a young and nevertheless already very broad field at the interface of the humanities and computer science, dealing with a lot more than the digitization of data in the humanities. For example, in linguistics, literature and history, methods from AI and language technology are used to model humanities questions based on texts. Methods from image processing or geoinformatics also find various fields of application, for example, in the historical and art sciences. The colloquium is designed as a "ring seminar" where, after a short introduction, a research topic from the DH is discussed each week which provides the participants with an overview of the DH as a research field. It also equips participants with the practical and methodological approaches that computer scientists and humanities scholars use to work in the DH and especially to collaborate with each other. The colloquium has no prerequisites and explicitly addresses both computer scientists and humanities scholars from different disciplines.
The research-oriented colloquium is intended for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows who:
- Are interested in learning about the breadth of DH,
- want to present their Digital Humanities research and work areas and receive feedback
- would like to get an idea of practical fields of application,
- wish to develop ideas for project and graduate work,
- want to exchange ideas with other Digital Humanists
The colloquium will be supervised by Digital Humanities professors - in addition to contributions from colloquium participants, guest lectures by domain experts are planned.
Seminar: Basics of Computer Science for Humanities Students
Dr. des. Dipl.-Inf. René Smolarski
Fr 10 - 12 Uhr | OnlineThe seminar aims at teaching basic computer science skills relevant for the Digital Humanities with the goal of increasing the communication and cooperation skills of students from the humanities in Digital Humanities projects. The seminar focuses on questions of software engineering and software modeling as well as on basic knowledge of the functionality and application of databases and elicitation languages (XML/TEI). The course is part of the certificate program "Digital Humanities" which is currently under construction and will take place on Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 in a digital format. Registration via FriedolinExternal link is requested.
Seminar / Workshop:
Horizon Europe - Next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme: Key Features and Participation Strategies
Dr. Selda Ulutas-Aydogan
We 10 - 14 Uhr | OnlineThe seminar aims to introduce the Horizon Europe Programme as the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation to be implemented between 2021-2027. The objective is to train and prepare participants to be fit for engaging Horizon Europe. Out of this Seminar the participants are expected to emerge with a draft Horizon Europe Action Plan tailored for their own needs and perspectives of research and innovation.
The seminar is dedicated to provide information to participants on key components and programmes of the Horizon Europe. Besides, it aims to train the participants on finding and analyzing specific funding opportunities (calls) published under Horizon Europe. The principles and guidelines for formulating project ideas, networking, partnering are introduced to equip the participants with necessary skills and approaches. Moreover, basics of developing/taking part in a consortium and preparing a proposal are taught in this seminar.
The seminar is built on 2 Modules. The first Module entails the informative part where the above mentioned aspects are introduced via cases and examples. The second Module entails one-to-one interaction separately (through online means) with researchers and research teams. This is to handle their specific needs and questions in a tailored way and help them to build their own Horizon Europe Action Plan. The officers from Service Center Research and Transfer of the University will also join to one-to-one meetings to be held in the second module to provide their support to researchers and their teams. Individual meetings with the participants/participant groups will be scheduled and organized separately each week following the completion of the first Module.
If this sounds interesting for you and your team; please visit and get registered via the FriedolinExternal link. I do attach the description of the seminar as well to this e-mail.
For any kind of inquiries these would appear about the seminar content and participation please contact with Dr. Selda Ulutas Aydogan (selda.ulutas@uni-jena.de), the instructor of this seminar.
Summer semester 2020
- Prof. Dr. Sander Münster
Digital Humanities
Fr 10 - 12 Uhr | Online
Exam date: ?
- Prof. Dr. Sander Münster